Newly inspired Polenta pizza


  • 200g Polenta


  • 200gCherry tomatoes
  • 100g Broccoli
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 can corn

Instructions :

So that was the story, when I saw a nice pizza photo in the internet, of course with a normal dough and…… Right at that moment, I knew I had to make this recipe with polenta dough .

Just a few inclusive toppings…..

For the start, let’s make the Polenta, because the dough has to at least dry for at least 1 1/2 hour ,so that we can use it as the pizza ground.

As a rule cook the polenta according to the instructions on the package and once it thickens, pour it on a parchment paper and spread it nicely to a round pizza ground.

Next up, let it dry for the just mentioned time…. And for those, who just scrolled down, it was 1 1/2 hour.

Once the time is over, fill two little pots with water and boil the cherry tomatoes for 5-minutes in one of them, while you steam the broccoli florets in the other, for 5 minutes as well. Oh and of course don’t forget to preheat the oven to 220 C °.

During this time , cube both peppers and drain and wash the corn.

Now to just blend up the cherry tomatoes to a smooth cream. And furthermore spread the sauce on top of the Pizza. Top it with the corn, then peppers and then the Broccoli.

Shoove it into the oven fo 15 to 20 minutes. And afterwards….. Shoove it into you mouth…. Xd…. Hope it tastes just as good as mine!

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